Web Desk — A letter sent to general industries stated that Sui Southern Gas Company (SSGC) has decided to curtail gas supplies to all captive power plants (CPPs) for general industries (non-export) in Sindh and Balochistan with immediate effect until further orders are issued.
SSGC states in its letter that discontinuation of gas supplies is being implemented under the Gas Sales Agreement (GSA) signed with CPPs, as the very agreement clearly states that gas will only be provided “as and when available” during March to November each year.
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CPPs’ gas supply will be discontinued until further orders are placed. The zero-rated export industry, including its CPPs, as well as the fertilizer sector, will continue to receive gas.
The gas serves as a LIFELINE to scores of people in Balochistan who need to stay warm through water and space heating gas appliances in extremely cold temperatures. The supply of additional gas is a MUST for the survival of human lives in Balochistan.